Agriculture 4.0: Origin and features in the world and Brazil
Origin, features, and consequences in the world and Brazil
agriculture 4.0, innovation, Agtech, BrazilResumo
The Fourth Industrial Revolution has stimulated the development of new technologies and techniques that are changing the global production system. The objective of this paper is to analyze the stream of innovation of Agriculture 4.0, as well as its origin and features, and describe a specific case, the Piracicaba Agtech Valley. Agriculture 4.0 is a digital model of agricultural production guided by high-performance manufacturing and is a result of a long
historical process of technological development. The innovation in the agricultural sector in Brazil is essential to the maintenance of its competitiveness. However, the 4.0 concept of production is still a challenge the country needs to overcome. Agtech startups are working
as a solution for technology diffusion. The Piracicaba Valley Agtech, in the state of São Paulo, is a successful case of Agriculture 4.0 concept development.
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