About the Journal


Objectives and Editorial Policy


Quaestum is a journal with rolling publishing linked to the PECEGE, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil. Edited since 2015, replacing Revista iPecege, Quaestum publishes scientific articles, scientific notes, and bibliographic reviews (primarily by the invitation of the Editorial Committee) in the area of Applied Social Sciences, resulting from the development of research by national or foreign authors, with a rigorous double anonymous evaluation system.

 The journal publishes articles, scientific notes, and bibliographic reviews in English, Portuguese and Spanish covering topics related to Agribusiness, Economics, Finance, Management, Marketing, Environment, Business, Rural, and Human Resources.

Articles of non-discriminated areas or scopes will have their relevance judged by the Editorial Committee or by the Editorial Board, if applicable. The publication of review articles is conditioned to invite renown experts by the Council or by the Editorial Committee. The publication of literature reviews in the form of spontaneous contribution will be considered, but all peer review procedures will follow. All material submitted for publication by Quaestum will be subject to an evaluation of interest by the Editorial Committee, which has the right to refuse to include the material on the journal’s agenda.


Peer Review

 The texts sent to Quaestum are submitted to triple evaluation, consistent in two early stages. In the first, called desk review, publishers gather and analyze the articles received without any identification of the authors, assessing their relevance as to the scope of the journal and its potential to contribute significantly with knowledge in the field of applied social sciences. If these requirements are not met, the article will be rejected. In exceptional cases, publishers may suggest minor adjustments so that the work is in accordance with the editorial line of Quaestum. The result can be communicated within one month of the submission date.


The second stage includes the acceptance of the article for evaluation and its submission to two reviewers. In this case, the double-blind peer review is carried out by the specialists, and the names of the reviewers and authors remain confidential.


The reviewers will analyze the texts based on the quality of the essay, scientific structuring, adequate description of the theoretical and methodological foundation, contextualization of the research problem, data presentation, analysis of results and quality of conclusions. This stage of the evaluation process can last up to three months. Authors will be informed by the Editor about the opinions and result by e-mail, which may refer to one of the four options below:


  • Approved;
  • Approved with small changes;
  • Approved with major changes: if necessary, may be reassessed;
  • Rejected.


When approved with changes, the publisher will give the authors a period of thirty to sixty days to incorporate the suggestions and corrections required. After the requested adjustments have been made and verified by reviewers and editors, the articles are submitted to the orthographic, grammatical and adaptation revision to the standards adopted by the journal and to the final publication of the document.


The completion of this process does not imply immediate publication of the article. It is up to the Editor to choose the texts that will be published considering the following criteria: initial submission date, an institutional plurality of the first authors, a plurality of subjects (except for thematic issues) and international articles.




  • Text language: English, Portuguese, and Spanish
  • Review process: desk review and double blind review
  • Number of pages: up to 30 pages



The manuscript can be written in English, Portuguese, and Spanish with attention to objectivity, clarity and conciseness. Authors that submitted manuscripts in English or Spanish are responsible for ensuring that the article has been reviewed or translated by native English or Spanish speakers or professionals with a solid knowledge of the language.


  • Agribusiness
  • Economy
  • Business
  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Business
  • Human Resources


  • Article
  • Review Article
  • Note and Comments

Declaration of copyrights

The authors own the copyright for articles published in Quaestum. Due to the journal's public access, the articles are free, with their own attributions in educational and non-commercial applications.

The journal reserves the right to make normative, spelling and grammatical changes in the originals, with a view to maintaining the cultured standard of the language and the credibility of the vehicle. Changes, corrections or suggestions of conceptual order will be sent to the authors when necessary.

The opinions issued by the authors are of their exclusive responsibility.


Conflict of interest 

If there is any conflict of interest, authors should indicate which one or which, during the submission process.


 Quaestum is Open Access publication that allows you to read and download it, as well as the reproduction and sharing of your content, according to the Creative Commons 4.0 International copyright policies.


Article processing and Submission fee

 The authors are not charged any type of submission or publication fee by Quaestum.



In the case of empirical research involving human beings, it is necessary to comply with the guidelines set forth in Resolutions 196/96, 466/12 and 510/16 of the Conselho Nacional de Saúde [Brazil’s Health Council], as well as the approval by the Research Ethics Committee (CEP) regularly instituted. The ethical procedures adopted in the research should be described in the last paragraph of the section "Material and Methods", in which the consent of the subjects was obtained and the indication that the study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee involving human subjects, with citation of the opinion number or approval protocol.


Academic inbreeding

 The journal’s editorial policy establishes that authors have the right to submit a maximum of two articles per year, in an intercalated format, either as the first author or as a co-author.


Policy on plagiarism and misconduct in research

 In accordance with COPE's guidelines, in order to encourage the identification of plagiarism, malpractice, fraud, possible ethical breaches, and opening of proceedings, we recommend meeting the requirements established in: Code of Good Scientific Practices, FAPESP; Guidelines, CNPQ; Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing, COPE; Responsible research publication: international standards for authors, COPE.



After submission, the inclusion or removal of authors is prohibited.